Harriet Tubman’s Methodist & PA connections
Harriet Tubman’s Methodist & PA connections

The U.S. Treasury Department announced April 20 that Harriet Tubman—known as the Moses of her people—will replace President Andrew Jackson on the face of the $20 bill. Many American schoolchildren know of Tubman as the African-American abolitionist who led thousands …

Participating in First UMC Germantown's Martin Luther King Jr. commemorative worship celebration, Jan. 17, were (from left) the Rev. Robert Coombe, pastor, the Rev. F. Willis Johnson, guest preacher, and Bishop Peggy Johnson.
Church leaders talk about race and racism

Churches and groups are continuing to talk about race and racism in the church and society, grappling with an existential problem that may never be fully solved but nonetheless demands our forthright attention. The Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday …

Changing Racism I Class, Fall 2015.
Race Matters: Seeking to bridge the divide

White privilege, inter-cultural, micro-aggressions, unconscious bias, cultural competency, racial equity… While “prejudice,” “diversity” and “inclusiveness” may be familiar terms to many, these more in-depth concepts are becoming known by an increasing number of Eastern PA Conference members, as they engage …