Through its conference, district and congregational initiatives, the Eastern PA Conference is involved in mission and outreach locally, regionally and worldwide. United Methodists promise to support the church with our prayers, our presence, our gifts, our service, and our witness. Thus, we are present in all these important ways wherever there is need--physical or spiritual--offering our minds, hearts, hands, feet and voices to foster healing, hope and wholeness in the name of Jesus Christ.

Our local churches--individually and through their districts and mission connections--reach out with funds, volunteers, donated materials, advocacy, promotion and always prayer. And the conference promotes mission outreach and partnership especially with friends in Central Congo, Tanzania and other global areas, along with helping agencies in local communities. We are also renewing our mission efforts to eradicate a deadly, global disease through our involvement in the denomination's Imagine No Malaria campaign.

We invite all to join our efforts, and we urge Eastern PA churches to tell Communications what they are doing in mission and outreach, so we can tell others through the pages of this Website.

2023-2024 Conference Advance Specials

Conference Advance Specials is a missional stewardship program of second-mile giving by generous churches, groups and individuals to support primarily local ministries. Churches that want to give to support Conference Advance Specials should first fulfill their primary connectional stewardship commitments to the conference and general church by remitting apportioned funds and direct bill payments.

2024-25 Advance Specials Application
Now is the time to submit applications for approval by the 2024 Eastern Pennsylvania Conference of Advance Special Projects for 2024-2025. Applications must be submitted and returned electronically to Barbara Drake, Deaconess, at by January 4, 2024.
Download: Advance Special Project Application for 2024 [PDF] [DOCX]
View: 2023-2024 Advance Specials

Congo Partnership

As an outgrowth of our Hope for the Children of Africa connection to the Central Congo Area, a Partnership was established the Central Congo Episcopal Area and now three US Annual Conferences: Peninsula-Delaware, W. North Carolina, and Eastern Pennsylvania. You Can Make a Difference! 100% of your contribution goes to the projects with no administrative costs.

Congo Partnership Projects Overview – August 2021 Update

The Eastern Pennsylvania Conference is a vital part of the Congo Partnership, an exciting relationship with the Central Congo Episcopal Area and several U.S. Annual Conferences. Learn about the Congo Partnership History & Covenant Agreement:  Congo-Mission – Congo Partnership Covenant Agreement.

While financial support is given to all the Partnership Projects  from individuals, churches, and districts in the Eastern Pennsylvania Conference, several specific projects have caught the imagination and passion of our Annual Conference in recent years. (Click here for video of projects.) Learn More...  View and download this update as a PDF.

Other Resources:

United Methodist Neighborhood Services

United Methodist Neighborhood Services (UMNS), supported by the Eastern PA Conference United Methodist Women’s Trust, operates under the management of its Board of Directors and Managing Director Millicent Clark. It is affiliated with the  Eastern PA Conference Office of Connectional Ministries and receives support from volunteers and donors, churches of the Eastern PA Conference, community organizations and nonprofit agencies.

UMNS webpage

Location: 1209 W. Lehigh Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19133
(Serenity House)

Telephone: 215-236-0304
Fax: 215-236-8618


Lancaster United Methodist Inner-City Alliance (LUMINA) exists to offer impoverished residents of Lancaster County the light of hope. LUMINA encourages children and youth through Christian character building, empowers families through life skill education, and equips those in need with basic necessities and proper clothing for work and school. LUMINA is a cooperative mission project of the Eastern Pennsylvania Conference of The United Methodist church, based in the West District and affiliated with the Conference Office of Connectional Ministries.

20 E. Clay Street, Lancaster, PA 17602
Office Hours: Tu - Th, 9 AM - 5 PM
Phone: 717-394-8412
Fax: 717-394-1435

Facebook: LUMINA.Outreach
General Inquiries:

Correen Russo
Executive Director

Melissa Artz
Administrative Assistant

Conference Missions News

More News
Contact Us

Rev. Dawn Taylor-Storm
Director of Connectional Ministries
610.666.9090 ext. 1013


Barbara Drake
Global Ministries Team, Chair