MOSAIC MINISTRIES is committed to empowering congregations and the next generation of leaders through mutually beneficial partnerships, practical ministry experience, and ongoing education.
Through growing the number of partnerships with annual conferences, churches, local non-profits, and justice-focused organizations, MOSAIC MINISTRIES is committed to increasing the number of life-changing opportunities for students at every level of their academic journey – high school, college, and seminary – to engage in a variety of leadership experiences in EPA & GNJ.
These opportunities include:
Mosaic Seminary Residency & Cohort
Church appointments to Lead, Co-pastor, Associate, and Bi-vocational positions.
Cultivate: Summer Internships
Church internships for high school & college students home for the summer. Click here for Interest Form.
Annual Conference staff internships
Camping Ministry
Disaster Relief
HOPE Centers & other affiliated justice-oriented non-profits

Rev. Kate Monahan
Associate Superintendent
Director of Mosaic Ministries for EPA&GNJ