Connectional Table meeting, Feb. 13, 2021
Committee on Leadership:
Rev. David Piltz, Committee on Leadership Co-Chair, pastorpiltz@gmail.com
Maryann Griffith, Committee on Leadership Co-Chair, magteaches424@gmail.com
Connectional Ministries comprises the wide variety of vital ministries active throughout the Eastern PA Conference. It links local churches and districts with the conference through resourcing, leadership, promotion and support. We United Methodists are a Connectional Church through our appointment of clergy, our shared responsibility for funding and staffing mission and ministry, our leadership development and deployment efforts, and our prayers and advocacy, through which one voice becomes many. In other words, we connect with one another through our supportive “prayers, presence, gifts, service and witness.”
We have many active ministry boards, committees, teams and commissions, all organized, led and resourced through our connectional system and aided by the conference’s Office of Connectional Ministries. The office encompasses ministry areas in which efforts are executed by staff: Communications, Congregational Development, Youth & Young Adult Ministries, Latino Ministries and Camp & Retreat Ministries. Other ministry areas depend primarily on boards, committees and teams of volunteers who are elected by the Annual Conference. They include Prison Ministries and Restorative Justice, Higher Education & Campus Ministry, Disaster Response, Older Adults, Religion & Race, etc.
Our collaboration is guided and enhanced by the work of the Connectional Table, comprising representative leaders of the various ministry groups in the conference. The Connectional Table meets several times a year to further coordination, strategic planning, mission development and mutual support. We ask for your constant prayers and support for all these committed groups and leaders, as they strive to serve Christ and serve the church faithfully in ministry.
The United Methodist Church is connectional. But what does that mean? Through our apportionment system, our Church pools our dollars and connects local churches and conferences around the world to create bigger and lasting impacts. One way we do that is through our seven apportioned funds, including the multidimensional World Service Fund.
In this section we will occasionally feature information about those funds and other general church programs and initiatives, so that we can all learn about the lifesaving, life-changing ministries our giving and our prayers support throughout God’s world.
Learn more about all our denomination’s apportioned funds on our new UMC Connectional Giving page.
Contact Us

Rev. Dawn Taylor-Storm
Director of Connectional Ministries
610.666.9090 ext. 1013

Ms. Lenora Thomson
Connectional Table, Chairperson
Connectional Ministries
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