
Why is administration important?

Administration is essential to a congregation’s mission, carrying out its ministry and achieving its goals. Administration is the bones of a congregation. It provides the structure, strength and the ability to assist ministries in moving forward. Administration focuses on ensuring all of the ministry areas of the congregation have the money, people and facilities to carry out the mission and ministry of the congregation. The administrative areas rather than restricting ministry are to find and/or grow ways to provide the resources to expand ministry.

What are the primary roles and responsibilities of administration?

The key tools of administration are planning, goal setting, organizing people and resources, policies, procedures and processes. The best administrators listen to those who are advancing the mission and ministries of the congregation to  identify what they need and how to grow the resources to serve the congregation and the community.

How to organize your congregation administratively?

The Book of Discipline provides congregations of any size to simplify their organizational structure and move to a simplified one board model. If your congregation would like to explore a simplified model, contact your staff person from your superintending team. Pastors not sure who the staff person is assigned to your congregation, contact your regional administrator.

What are the primary administrative areas of a congregation?

There are six primary groups for the administration of the congregation. Select the area (s) of most interest to you to learn more about carrying out administration, roles and responsibilities and completing reports for each of the areas.

  1. Church Charge Conference
  2. Church Council
  3. Staff Parish relations committee (SPRC)
  4. Leadership Development/Nominations Committee
  5. Finance Committee
  6. Board of Trustees