“You are to walk in every pathway that the Lord your God commanded you, so that life may go well for you.” (Deuteronomy 5:33, ISV)
Welcome to PATHWAYS
Pathways to Congregational Fruitfulness & Health is an initiative approved by the 2022 Annual Conference that offers congregations an intentional process to prepare, assess, learn and grow in their understanding of what it means to be a healthy, fruitful congregation.
Pathways provides spiritual and strategic resources presented by a trained Facilitator to coach your pastor and a team of your local church leaders to discern a ministry plan which is organic and appropriate for your particular setting.
Pathways is voluntary, although highly recommended for each church….and it’s supported by your Connectional Ministry Fund (CMF) contributions so it’s free.
Pathways offers six ways to develop a path for your congregation’s growth, vitality and mission. Pathways discern God’s calling, reverse decline, build on what is going well, and align mission, goals, activities, people and money to be our best for God.
Ready to embark on this transformative journey? Click the link below to learn more about how Pathways can guide your congregation towards a future filled with growth, vitality, and impact:
Pathway Vitality – assist the congregation to discern God’s calling and develop and achieve a plan in the five core ministries of the congregation – worship, small groups, community engagement, making new disciples and generous giving.
Pathway Community Engagement – for congregations that want to invest more deeply in community ministry, particularly community development, advocacy, housing, humanitarian assistance. This path can also lead to a congregation becoming a Hope Center, perhaps partnered with another community agency.
Pathway A Journey of Hope – developing deeper cross-cultural relationships, learning and working to end the sin of racism.
Pathway Sustainability – identifying your congregation’s ability to financially uphold your congregation’s mission and ministry and take steps today to be secure for the long-term future.
Next Generation Ministries - for congregations with potential and desire to reach younger generations in order to become more inclusive, relevant and diverse.
Pathway Conflict Resolution – all congregations to some degree have conflict. This pathway assists congregations to resolve conflict which undermines their vitality.
Begin a journey with us & each other which promises new life for your church, to the glory of God!
“…thy Word our law, thy paths our chosen way.”
(God of the Ages, UM Hymnal, #698)