September 20, 2021
You shall be my witnesses to the ends of the earth. --Acts 1:8
I chose you to go and bear fruit. --John 15:16
Dear Friends in Christ,
You are called, chosen as disciples, leaders and congregations to go into the community and world to bear fruit. A powerful purpose for your life.
Recently the cabinets, district superintendents, of EPA and GNJ spent three days together praying, worshiping and discerning about how they will lead both EPA and GNJ to understand and fulfill your calling and purpose. They did this with your help.
Recently you were invited to complete a survey about the characteristics of a passionate disciple, a transformational leader and a vital Wesleyan congregation. Your input served as a basis for our conversation and discernment.
In that same survey, I asked you, what should my priorities be at this time in the life of the church. You were very clear that there are five areas you want me to lead on at this time. These are the priorities in order of importance to you.
- Grow and extend the mission of the church to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
- Lead and support congregations to connect with the people in their community.
- Strengthen the health and vitality of congregations to be witnesses in the world.
- Assist churches in understanding and preparing for a separation in the denomination.
- Assist churches to navigate the pandemic.
Thank you for this feedback. I pledge to follow through on your request.
You may also read more about the survey results and the three superintendent commitments for their leadership in their report that may be found by selecting this Link. In the report they lift up the characteristics that you found compelling to be a passionate disciple, transformational leader and vital Wesleyan congregation. We strongly encourage you to help these characteristics to flourish in your life and your congregation. The superintendents provide some conversation questions that you can use yourself, or in your small group or church council meetings.
You may also find the full survey results by selecting this Link.
Together, we are serving and leading during a very challenging season. In the midst of great challenge, there is great opportunity to go into the world and bear fruit, to be the church, the body of Christ healing, transforming, and serving people in our communities. Together we are making a difference!
Keep the faith!
Bishop John Schol
The United Methodists of
Eastern Pennsylvania & Greater New Jersey
BishopJohnSchol@epaumc.church | 484-474-0939
BishopJohnSchol@gnjumc.org | 732-359-1010
Equipping transformational leaders for
New Disciples | Vital Congregations | Transformed World

Contact Us

Bishop's Office
P.O. Box 820
Valley Forge, PA 19482-0820
Phone: 484-474-0939
Fax: 732-359-1019
Bishop John Schol
The United Methodists of Eastern Pennsylvania & Greater New Jersey