Not if, but when.

A crisis can happen anytime, anywhere. Planning before, response during, and recovery after crises are all critical stages to lessen the severity and longevity of the damage that may occur–that is, structural, physical and emotional damages.

The Eastern PA Conference has key persons and protocols that victims of crises–especially disasters–can call upon for timely, sensitive, experienced assistance. We have a conference Disaster Response Team and District Coordinators ready to help, along with District Superintendents and the Communications Office. All church leaders should learn about disaster response news, information, responders and resources, as well as steps to prepare and response to disasters.

Advance Special Giving for Disaster Response

While Conference Advance Special projects are proposed and approved by our Annual Conference each year, we have an ongoing Advance Special giving opportunity to support disaster response needs in the Eastern PA. When storms severely damage our Eastern PA churches and communities we try to aid them with relief and restoration funds, as well as volunteer assistance as we are able. Your gifts help us to help our churches and neighbors in need. Please give using our Disaster Response Advance Special project #0345. Thank you! Please see our Giving page to learn more.

Project Restoration seeks volunteers for disaster recovery

EPA's Project Restoration is seeking volunteers for disaster recovery work! Learn more and use either of the two sign-up forms to register:

Project Restoration Team


Denise F. Shelton
Disaster Recovery Director


Rev. Allen Keller
Disaster Recovery Case Manager


Daniel Jeffers
Construction Project Manager


Vernon Nyangulu
Disaster Case Manager


Disaster and Crisis Prevention for Churches
Houses of Worship Security Self-Assessment Tool

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) provides this Houses of Worship Security Self-Assessment Tool. Prepared by the DHS Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), it is a security planning resource useful for church facilities. This tool along with other faith-based resources are located on the Faith Based Organization-Houses of Worship (FBO-HOW) resource page, which includes assessments, trainings... Learn More

Crisis Preparation and Response Plan for EPAUMC churches

A crisis can happen anytime, anywhere.  It is therefore important to have an action plan in place before a crisis happens.  The time to begin planning and practicing for a crisis is before it happens, before the emotion, stress, and tension of the event strike... Read More

UMC Resources
How can I help when disaster strikes?

When disaster strikes anywhere in the world, many United Methodists want to know how they can help. The simplest answer is to go to If there is a disaster of significant magnitude, United Methodist Global Ministries will place a link at the top of the page to donate... Learn more.

Mission Central, Inc.

Mission Central is a member of the UMCOR Relief Supply Network.  The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) is a non-profit organization dedicated to alleviating human suffering around the globe. Visit