In the wake of the devastating impact of Hurricane Helene, an Early Response Team (ERT) from the Eastern Pennsylvania Conference and the Greater New Jersey Conference of the United Methodist Church has mobilized to offer assistance in Northern Georgia. This dedicated team of 11 volunteers, led by Rev. Cricket Denton, the Disaster Response Coordinator for the Greater New Jersey Conference, arrived ready to provide vital aid and relief to residents grappling with the aftermath of the storm.
Equipped with tools, training, and compassion, the team’s primary focus is on debris removal and securing homes damaged by fallen trees, broken fences, and other structural issues left by the hurricane. Their mission is to help stabilize communities so that recovery and rebuilding efforts can proceed more smoothly.
The United Methodist Church’s Early Response Teams are trained to respond swiftly in disaster situations, providing help to individuals and communities in crisis. This deployment is yet another example of the church’s commitment to serving others in times of need, bringing comfort and tangible support to those affected by natural disasters.
“Our goal is to be the hands and feet of Christ,” Rev. Denton explained. “We’re here to help clear the path forward for those whose lives have been disrupted by this storm.” The team plans to remain in Northern Georgia through the end of the week, assisting as many households as possible and offering a sense of hope amid the challenges of recovery.
The two conferences will be working together again in January to deploy a second team of Early Responders, which will be led by the Conference Disaster Response Coordinator from EPA, Denise Shelton. For more information on joining the team, please contact Denise at