Sharing God’s Love at Christmas Begins Now

Can you imagine being separated from your family and friends at Christmas?  Those who are incarcerated suffer this isolation and other deprivations on a daily basis, but at Christmas, those losses can be particularly difficult.  Though the EPA Conference’s Christmas …

Faith Lessons from Gretna Glen

This summer Gretna Glen welcomed 1,269 campers to a time apart, when they could play, grow, and learn about faith. Here are a few of the lessons learned from campers both big and small. Jesus connects us with God. Cameron …

New Life UMC’s Prayer and Praise Service Lifts Spirits

 New Life UMC at Drexel Hill celebrated its 6th annual Prayer and Praise Celebration on July 13 welcoming all commuters for prayer, praise and worship at SEPTA’s 69th Street Terminal Transportation Center Station in Philadelphia. The celebration was a hands-on …

Jurisdictional Conference Repents of Systemic Racism

Delegates explore history of structural racism in the Methodist Church In the space where episcopal elections would have taken place, delegates gathered for a holy conversation about race and the way that structural and systemic racism colors both our past …