Church of Good Shepherd is hiring a Part Time (10 hours per week) Director of Care & Visitation responsible for providing pastoral care and regular visitation to members and friends of the congregation who are unable to participate in worship or in the life of the congregation, generally due to health concerns or physical limitations; and provide pastoral care on an emergency basis, when the Senior Pastor is unavailable. The Director of Care & Visitation will recruit, oversee and equip a team of lay members to provide additional visitation ministry.
Character Traits
• Strong Christian faith and a commitment to sharing the Good News
• Committed to the vision/mission/and core values of Church of the Good Shepherd
• An appreciation of the United Methodist Church: its polity and theological tradition
• A sensitivity to others and an approachableness
• Integrity
• Comfortable as a member of a team
• Self-starter and initiator
• Highly relational servant leader with the ability to build connections with diverse groups
• Maintain confidentiality and comply with HIPAA privacy rules and regulations.
• Strong communication skills both verbal and written
• Ability to both do visitation and equip others to do visitation, in ways that expand our reach
• Four (4) years of church leadership experience in visitation ministries
• Valid PA Driver’s license
• Background checks and child abuse clearances as outlined in Safe Sanctuary policy
Duties & Responsibilities
• Visit members and friends who are considered “shut-in” and are unable to participate in church activities.
• Maintain a roster of members and friends who are unable to participate actively in the life of the church, primarily
due to health concerns or physical limitation.
• Coordinate “regular” (likely meaning a minimum of “monthly”) contact with our church “shut-ins” by the Director of
Care & Visitation and the Visitation Volunteers. “Contact” can be defined as a face-to-face visit, phone call or written
• Submit monthly mileage report to the Senior Pastor for reimbursement.
• Contact the church office with names of members and friends who would like to be included on the church prayer
• Recruit and equip a team of lay Visitation Volunteers, who can assist with “shut-in” visitation, in addition to the
Director of Care & Visitation.
• Provide training for visitation volunteers on a regular basis on issues that would be relevant and appropriate for the
ministry of visitation (such as grief, hospital protocol, prayer, confidentiality, etc.)
• Coordinate assignment of lay visitors to the “shut-ins” and develop monthly reports to be completed by the
visitation volunteers for the purpose of confirming the effectiveness and reach of the ministry.
• Provide monthly compilation of visitation by the Director of Care & Visitation and Visitation Volunteers to the Senior
Pastor, to include names and dates of members and friends visited, called and receiving notes.
• Provide the sacrament of Holy Communion to shut-ins (as they desire or are able) through the Director of Care &
Visitation and/or the Visitation Volunteers.
• Arrange for the availability of travel communion sets and coordinate with the head of Communion set-up to have
those elements consecrated in Sunday morning worship.
• Train the Visitation Volunteers to serve Holy Communion, as needed.
• Provide pastoral care or hospital visitation to the congregation, on an emergency basis, when the Senior Pastor is
To apply email
To Apply:
Contact Peggy Lenton at for an application.