Nurture dreams, support education on UM Student Day

Offerings on United Methodist Student Day support scholarships for United Methodist students in college and seminary. Student Day, historically our denomination’s first churchwide Special Sunday with offering, is usually observed on the Sunday after Thanksgiving (Nov. 27 this year). Churches can choose another Sunday to …

New evangelical group to uphold tradition or seek division

Two UM News Service stories report on the inaugural meeting, Oct. 7, in Chicago, of a new Wesleyan evangelical group that calls for a global witness of steadfast orthodoxy that may ultimately leave The United Methodist disunited. UMNS’ Heather Hahn …

The Rev. David W. Brown, Deacon, (center) joins newly elected Bishops LaTrelle Miller Easterling (left) and Cynthia Moore-Koikoi in serving Communion during their consecration service at First UMC Lancaster July 15, at the close of the NEJ Conference.
Unity but not uniformity

The last became first through much of The United Methodist Church’s Northeastern Jurisdictional Conference, where nearly 300 delegates and bishops from 10 annual conferences met July 11-15, in Lancaster, Pa. The first plenary session, held on Monday night, honored peoples too often thought of last in our church and society.