UMCOR collaborates to relieve Ukrainians’ suffering

The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR), a Texas-based humanitarian organization focused on Ukraine and Ohio Health are collaborating to send 47,895 pounds of medical supplies and equipment worth $935,000.00 to three hospitals in Kyiv, Ukraine. AEC Parcel Services is handling transport of the supplies, which are being sent in three shipments…

UMCOR grants EPAUMC $417,000 to aid disaster recovery efforts

We are pleased to announce that the United Methodist Committee on Relief of Global Ministries (UMCOR) has approved your grant request of USD ($)417,737 on behalf of the Eastern Pennsylvania Conference for Hurricane Ida and Hurricane Isaias Recovery (Project Restoration)…

Standing with Haiti amid quake and storm

United Methodists are reaching out with their prayers and pocketbooks as Haiti faces a devastating earthquake and encroaching major storm. The United Methodist Committee on Relief is collecting financial donations through its International Disaster Response and Recovery Advance #982450. The relief …

UMCOR aids displaced people in Congo

In northeastern Congo, many farmers are afraid to work in their fields, due to threats by Allied Democratic Forces rebels. Hunger and starvation are daily realities. In response, the United Methodist Committee on Relief recently provided almost $100,000 USD, buying …