The Rev. Nicolas Camacho led his seventh mission team of Eastern PA volunteers to Puerto Rico Nov. 5-12 to help residents there recover from the widespread destruction caused by Hurricane Maria in 2018. The ramshackle, storm-damaged house they transformed into …

Prayers, support urged for Puerto Rico’s Fiona victims
UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief) is calling for prayers and donations to support its disaster relief efforts, as we wait to learn the full severity of Hurricane Fiona’s destruction in Puerto Rico. The storm, a Category 1 hurricane when …

Puerto Rico earthquakes devastate island, deter conference VIM visit
Also read: Puerto Rican Methodists begin earthquake response By John W. Coleman The recent earthquakes and aftershocks that crippled much of Puerto Rico, a U.S. territory, caused casualties, devastated its power grid, reduced access to electricity and water, and forced …

Puerto Rico recovers from 2017 hurricanes, aided by UMCOR, UMVIM
By John W. Coleman September 18, 2019 | ATLANTA As September’s Hurricane Dorian grazed Puerto Rico’s coast, residents were relieved to be spared an encore of the historic, widespread destruction they suffered two years ago from Hurricane Maria, on the …

First Conference VIM team brings hope to Puerto Rico
REHACE, the social ministry arm of the Methodist Church of Puerto Rico, stands for Rehaciendo Comunidades con Esperanza (Rebuilding Communities of Hope), an apt description of that church’s mission to help restore the hurricane-ravaged island. Hope. The word is becoming …

Conference, churches helping Puerto Rico ‘rise again’
Both the Eastern PA Conference and several local churches are responding to the ongoing critical needs caused by Hurricane Maria’s devastation of Puerto Rico a year ago in September. The has conference raised over $96,000 from districts, churches and individuals …