The Eastern PA Conference is living up to its 2018 campaign commitment to “Help Puerto Rico Rise Again!” Our third Volunteers in Mission (VIM) team heads there June 15 to donate collected hurricane recovery funds and skilled labor. Both are …
First Conference VIM team brings hope to Puerto Rico
REHACE, the social ministry arm of the Methodist Church of Puerto Rico, stands for Rehaciendo Comunidades con Esperanza (Rebuilding Communities of Hope), an apt description of that church’s mission to help restore the hurricane-ravaged island. Hope. The word is becoming …
Helping Puerto Rico Rise Again Love Offering Oct. 14
Our conference’s Helping Puerto Rico Rise Again month-long love offering ends this Sunday, Oct. 14, along with National Hispanic/Latino Heritage Month (Sept. 15 to October 15) As we continue to offer prayers and assistance to Puerto Rico’s recovery from the …
Loving others in our family of faith
Galatians 6:10 says, “So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.” These words of the Apostle Paul give us clear direction to be about doing …
Conference, churches helping Puerto Rico ‘rise again’
Both the Eastern PA Conference and several local churches are responding to the ongoing critical needs caused by Hurricane Maria’s devastation of Puerto Rico a year ago in September. The has conference raised over $96,000 from districts, churches and individuals …