Your path to be more engaged in your community that leads congregations and organizations to become Communities of Hope and/ or Hope Centers.
Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind and, love your neighbor as yourself. Luke 10:27
Why is community engagement important?
The church is to build up the body of Christ through ministries of worship, small groups, generosity, and discipleship. But why are we to be building up the body of Christ. Jesus could have been clearer in Matthew 25:31-46, our very souls, salvation is dependent on being Christ in the world. We build up the body of Christ to serve the world by doing justice and loving mercy and bearing witness to God’s salvation. These are the vows that members make when they are baptized, confirmed, or join the church.
What is a Hope Center?
A Hope Center is a robust community outreach ministry in partnership with community organizations and the people of the community to develop the community and meet human need. Hope Center models include the following,
- Camp Y.D.P., a licensed childcare, after-school enrichment program, and summer day camp, serves low-income families.
- The Crisis Room provides food, clothing, emotional support, and rent and utility assistance to marginalized families.
- Pathways to Prosperity works to eliminate generational poverty through job training and financial education.
- Housing and job development for people in the community.
How can our congregation go deeper, wider and further in ministry with the people in your community? How can we become a Hope Center.
Your congregation will be doing this work as a team, led by the pastor. Pathways can be self-led, and we will provide you with helpful tools to excel independently. If you desire, a facilitator/coach can support your congregation’s leadership in completing and achieving your plan. Register for Pathways now, and a Pathways champion will be in touch with you shortly. Address all questions to Megan McKay, Resource Manager mmckay@gnjumc.org
Discover the path to community engagement! Register now and begin your transformative journey today.