Thursday August 1st a group of leaders gathered in the basement hall of Mother African Zoar to strategize on how to help 1,000 neighbors register and vote in the upcoming election. The event was organized by the Rev. Dr. William …

New Life UMC’s Prayer and Praise Service Lifts Spirits
New Life UMC at Drexel Hill celebrated its 6th annual Prayer and Praise Celebration on July 13 welcoming all commuters for prayer, praise and worship at SEPTA’s 69th Street Terminal Transportation Center Station in Philadelphia. The celebration was a hands-on …

Jurisdictional Conference Repents of Systemic Racism
Delegates explore history of structural racism in the Methodist Church In the space where episcopal elections would have taken place, delegates gathered for a holy conversation about race and the way that structural and systemic racism colors both our past …

Youth Representatives from EPA & GNJ Overflow with Excitement and Hope for Jurisdictional Conference
Three youth from GNJ and EPA have traveled to Pittsburgh to bear witness to the conference and share the perspective of the young disciples of the UMC. They joined others from across the jurisdiction to form a group of 20 …

Angela Overstreet of UMCOR to teach ERT Training at Laity Academy August 2-3
When disaster strikes, early response teams can make all the difference. Angela Overstreet, a manager for the UMCOR United States Disaster Response Training Program, is coming to Eastern Pennsylvania to teach us how to help those impacted by disaster. When …

EPA Latino Commission events bless minds, bodies, souls
June has been a busy but blessed month for the Eastern PA Conference Latino Commission, as it engages members in three transformative experiences for their minds, bodies and souls. First, 20 Latino clergy and laity gathered June 8 at the …

Doing small things with great love
Shores of Grace Philadelphia “Not all of us can do great things,” said Mother Teresa, “but we can do small things with great love.” With vastly increased funding and policing, Philadelphia’s new mayor is beginning to do great things in …

Beth Stroud returns to FUMCOG a reinstated Elder
‘We Don’t Know How’ Thanks to her reinstatement by clergy members of the Eastern Pennsylvania Conference May 21, the Rev. Dr. Irene Elizabeth “Beth” Stroud can preach and serve Holy Communion as an Elder again. She did so for the …

Go deeper this summer at the next 2024 Laity Academy
Have you been hearing a quiet whisper, or maybe a not-so-subtle shout for you to take the next step in discipleship? The Laity Academy Summer Session II, scheduled for August 2-3, at Eastern University’s Palmer Theological Seminary in St. Davids, …

Camp’s suburban farm feeds urban families
The Carson Simpson Farm Christian Center is located in suburban Hatboro, PA. Since he arrived as its director in 2020, Jonathan Curtis always wondered about that odd name because it didn’t have a farm. Well, now it does…albeit a small …