The United Methodists of Eastern Pennsylvania and Greater New Jersey invite you to embark on A Journey of Healing: From Lamentation to Praise.

UMCOR Cleaning Bucket Challenge
Back-to-back hurricanes led to widespread devastation in the south-eastern region of the United States. Recovery will take years of investment. As the body of Christ here on earth, we are called to embody hope by responding when and as we …

Resilience and Renewal: The Journey of Tindley Tea Cafe
As churches began to emerge from COVID two years ago, many dreamed of restarting ministries that the pandemic had sidelined. Tindley Temple on South Broad Street was no different. They were looking forward to reopening their feeding ministry that provides …

Bishop Moore-Koikoi Calls for Authenticity in Transition
On a sunny and warm Monday morning, a spirit of cheerfulness and hopeful expectation filled the air as the conference staff from EPA and GNJ gathered for their first worship service with Bishop Moore-Koikoi.

Faith Lessons from Gretna Glen
This summer Gretna Glen welcomed 1,269 campers to a time apart, when they could play, grow, and learn about faith. Here are a few of the lessons learned from campers both big and small. Jesus connects us with God. Cameron …

Empowering Voices: Mobilizing 1,000 Voters for Change in Philadelphia
Thursday August 1st a group of leaders gathered in the basement hall of Mother African Zoar to strategize on how to help 1,000 neighbors register and vote in the upcoming election. The event was organized by the Rev. Dr. William …

Jurisdictional Conference Repents of Systemic Racism
Delegates explore history of structural racism in the Methodist Church In the space where episcopal elections would have taken place, delegates gathered for a holy conversation about race and the way that structural and systemic racism colors both our past …

Bishop Cynthia Moore-Koikoi Assigned to EPA&GNJ
Bishop Cynthia Moore-Koikoi has been assigned to serve as the episcopal leader of United Methodists of Eastern Pennsylvania and Greater New Jersey, effective September 1, 2024. Elected as a bishop during the 2016 Northeastern Jurisdictional Conference in Lancaster, PA, Bishop …

EPA Latino Commission events bless minds, bodies, souls
June has been a busy but blessed month for the Eastern PA Conference Latino Commission, as it engages members in three transformative experiences for their minds, bodies and souls. First, 20 Latino clergy and laity gathered June 8 at the …

Yea, though I walk… Pastors tread labyrinth in spiritual retreat
Twelve participants stepped away from their busy lives for a three-hour, midweek pastors spiritual retreat June 5. The small, monthly gathering usually includes time for reflective roaming around scenic church exteriors. But this month’s retreat at Paoli United Methodist Church …
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