The Rev. Umba and Ngoy Kalangwa, a missionary couple from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) serving in Tanzania, visited the Eastern PA Conference in mid-October to worship, fellowship and share inspiring information about their mission work. Deaconess Barbara Drake hosted them, as EPA Global Ministries Secretary and Chairwoman of EPA’s Global Ministries Team.
The Kalangwas have a covenant partnership with West Grove UMC, where they visited October 15 to worship and speak with the congregation. In addition, they visited the Eastern PA Conference for staff worship October 16, and went to Havertown UMC October 18 to speak and fellowship with the congregation at its Hope Campus Chapel.
The United Methodist presence in Tanzania began in the early 1990s from the mission outreach efforts of the North Katanga Annual Conference in the DRC. Umba Kalangwa was one of six clergy assigned to do evangelism in Tanzania. He is now a District Superintendent, Director of the Morogoro Pastors Training Center, Coordinator of the Reaching Out Ministry in Rural Areas, and Manager of the Wesley Primary School.
Ngoy Kalangwa directs the Susannah Wesley Education for women and the Health Care Center in the Morogoro area, while also assisting her husband in various ministries there.
The Rev. Mutwale Mushidi and his wife Kabaka Alphonsine are also missionaries from the DRC serving in Tanzania and are supported by churches of the Eastern PA Conference. Both missionary couples were sent to Tanzania in 1992 and later became UM Global Ministries missionaries about 20 years ago.
Mutwale Mushidi and Umba Kalangwa joined other clergy in Tanzania in welcoming Bishop John Schol and clergy from the Greater New Jersey Conference in late May for their Pastors School. The clergy there expressed gratitude for GNJ’s teaching and financial support, including the new For Tanzania fundraising campaign to build a church in the capital city of Dar es Salaam and to help pay pastors a living wage for a year.
You can meet Mushidi and Kalangwa when both are featured on Global Ministries’ online itineration program #StillInMission, Episode 60, via Zoom, on Thursday, November 2, at 12 PM. You must register to attend this event and choose one of the missionaries for a brief breakout session. Learn more and register at
More about the Kalangwas and how to support their missionary work
The Rev. Umba Ilunga Kalangwa (Advance #14211Z) is District Superintendent of Tanzania’s Kigoma District, Director of the Morogoro Pastors Training Center, Coordinator of the Reaching Out Ministry in Rural Areas, and Manager of the Wesley Primary School.
“We faced many problems. Many times we hadn’t enough money because we didn’t have sponsors or any budget,” recalls Umba. “It is God’s will that our work and ministry is continuing in Tanzania. My district has some Christian congregations which are spread out in three regions–Morogoro, Iringa and Dodoma. Some people have decided to follow Jesus Christ. God’s mission is to save people. I have trained local pastors. I have organized crusades.”
The Morogoro Pastors Training Center (Advance #302261) offers a free four-year study program for ordination.
The Wesley Primary School (Advance #3020704) provides students with a nutritious lunch, scholarships and bus transportation as needed. The school has 700 students in 15 classrooms with 20 teachers and a need for more classrooms.
Meanwhile, Ngoy Kalangwa (Advance #15162Z) directs the Susannah Wesley Education and Health Care Center, which teaches women sewing and tie-dyeing skills so they can become self-sufficient. She also directs the Health Care Center that provides medical care and is building a maternity section.
The Susannah Wesley Education and Health Care Center (Advance #3020705), educates women in sewing, tie-dyeing, and soap making skills to help the women become self-sufficient. The women are given a sewing machine when they finish their training. The clinic provides medical care and has a pharmacy. A maternity wing is under construction, and a surgical care building is to be built next. Medical equipment is needed.