ChurchDistrictNorthSouthEastWestRegionPlease select any that apply(Required) We are interested in becoming a Mosaic Ministries Church placement. We are interested in learning more about the Mosaic Ministries initiative. We are interested in learning about Mosaic Ministries grant funding for ministry related initiatives. We are interested in learning about how to donate to the Mosaic Ministries program to support students in their theological education. Please circle which Mosaic Ministries Track you are most interested in exploring(Required) Track 1: Co-Pastors Track 2: Assistant Student Apprenticeship Track 3: Bi-Vocational Track 1: Co-PastorsA church employs 2 part-time student pastors (10-15 hours each weekly) with complementary gifts to lead it’s the worship and ministries. A solo pastor may be considered with adequate skills, and appropriate mentoring and support to student.Track 2: Assistant Student ApprenticeshipA church employs 1 part-time student pastor (18-20 hours weekly) to work as an assistant pastor under the mentorship of a Senior or Lead pastor.Track 3: Bi-VocationalA church seeking to expand its outreach and service to the community or its relationship to a community organization may create a student position that serves in the church and at a second placement (ie. a church with a preschool might employ a student to work at the church and the preschool to build intentional relationship; a church working with a social advocacy program may create a position where a student works at the church and with the social advocacy program; etc.)Why do you think your church would make a good Mosaic Ministries church placement?As part of Mosaic Ministries, a church has an opportunity to become a teaching congregation to gifted, energetic students who desire to grow in practical ministry skills and can help a congregation grow in new and exciting ways. In what ways would you like to see your church be strengthened as part of the program?What qualifications or qualities is your church looking for in a student?Mosaic Ministries churches typically support students by offering one of the compensation packages below. These depend upon the Mosaic track you are in and the student’s qualifications.Track 1: Co-Pastors -- Student Status:$12,000 (10-15 hours/week) + $1500 expense account + $1,000/student program fee. TOTAL ANNUAL COST: $ 14,500 or MONTHLY: $1208 paid by local church.Track 1: Co-Pastors -- Licensed Local Status:$18,000 (10-15 hours/week) + $1,500 + $1000/student program fee. TOTAL ANNUAL COST: $20,500 or MONTHLY: $1708 paid by local church.Track 2: Assistant Apprenticeship -- Student Status:$18,000 (15-20 hours/week) + $1500 + $1,000 program fee paid by local church.Track 2: Assistant Apprenticeship -- Licensed Local Status:$25,000 (15-20 hours/week) + $1,500 + $1000 program fee paid by local church. TOTAL ANNUAL OST: $27,500 or MONTHLY: $1708 paid by local church.Track 3: Bi-vocational Placement – Student Status:$12,000 (10-15 hours/week) + $1500 expense account + $1,000 program fee. TOTAL ANNUAL COST: $ 14,500 or MONTHLY: $1208 paid by local church or potentially split with another organization.Additional Compensation information:+ Parsonage is highly recommended for seminary students & graduates. + Support from the Mosaic Grant Fund may be available for partial salary support or pastor’s travel expenses but must be applied for annually and depends upon the availability of funds. + Program fees provide the following benefits to churches: Robust annual student training opportunities, monthly student cohort learning gatherings, and regular 1:1 mentoring and spiritual direction for student pastors to grow in their leadership of your church.Is your church able to support a student financially in one of these tracks on their own?(Required)YesNoIf not, how much are you able to support?If not, how much are you able to support?Do you have any questions for your District Superintendent or the Director of Mosaic Ministries? Mosaic MinistriesMosaic Seminary Residency & CohortMosaic Ministries Church Placement ApplicationMosaic Ministries Student Appointment ApplicationCultivate2025 Cultivate High School & College Internship ApplicationRev. Kate MonahanAssociate SuperintendentDirector of Mosaic Ministries for EPA&GNJEmail: