Apr 03, 2024

Title: Episcopal Executive Administrative Assistant

Classification: Exempt

Band: Specialist

Supervisor: Assistant to the Bishop

EPA & GNJ employees through their work help fulfill our mission: recruit and develop transformational leaders to make disciples and grow vital congregations to transform the world.

EPA & GNJ values as an organization and in its employees

  • innovation and risk taking
  • excellence in its ministry and service
  • compassionate and just service
  • diversity
  • collaboration

United Methodists Eastern Pennsylvania and Greater New Jersey view all employees as leaders who are critical to the mission, capable of growth and valued.

Position Summary

The primary responsibility of the Episcopal Executive Administrative Assistant is to provide administrative support to the Episcopal Office and logistical support within the organization. This position works collaboratively with the other departments of EPA & GNJ and serves as the connection to other Episcopal offices in the denomination. The Episcopal Office Executive Administrative Assistant supports the procedures for the Cabinet and Episcopal Office.

Essential Functions
  • Provide administrative support and strategically manage the episcopal schedule so that the Bishop’s time is well-used, effective, and consistent with the mission of GNJ and EPA and aligned with GNJ and EPA Strategic Plan.
  • Prepare materials to resource the Bishop so that the impact of his engagements is maximized and fruitful.
  • Manage administrative tasks so that the episcopal office functions effectively including the appointment process and property matters so that the office is well-supported in carrying out ministry.
  • Manage all Episcopal correspondence.
  • Manage expense reporting and reimbursements for the Episcopal
  • Coordinate, organize, and attend conferences, meetings, and events (such as Annual Conference, Bishop’s Convocation, Bishop’s Day, special services, retreats, etc.) so that staff, conference leadership, and local congregations are resourced and trained to conduct the business and ministries of the church.
  • Maintain episcopal electronic files so that all information is current, relevant, and accessible.
  • Research and provide materials for the Episcopal office so that the Episcopal Team is well-resourced.
Organization Responsibilities
  • Coordinate and manage the GNJ Conference Staff weekly worship services
  • Serve as a project manager or participant for projects as assigned
  • Assist in conference meetings and events
Core Competencies
  • Utmost attention to details and deadline
  • Adapt to an ever-changing work environment so that tasks are carried out seamlessly
  • Willingness to continually learn and develop skills
  • Committed to continuously grow in intercultural competence
  • Build and maintain relationships that are rooted in honesty, integrity, and honor confidentiality
  • Work cooperatively with others to produce innovative solutions.
  • Communicate clearly and accurately, in writing and orally, with unifying messages that motivates people to action
  • Provide gracious hospitality
  • Highly proficient in Microsoft Office Suite and Adobe Acrobat
  • Three or more years in an office or similar work environment
  • Familiarity to the United Methodist Church a plus
  • Executive assistant experience a plus
  • High school degree with some college or related experience

The position requires occasional evening and weekend responsibilities, some travel within Greater New Jersey and Eastern Pennsylvania, and some travel outside the region.

The position works in a hybrid model from the EPA office in Norristown, PA and GNJ office in Neptune, NJ.

Inquiries and resumes to be sent to jkim@gnjumc.org until position is filled.

Download the full Job Description: Episcopal Executive Admin Assistant-2024