The United Methodist Church has released the 2021 State of the Church Report, which centers around the theme of claiming our identity. Beginning with Jesus’ question to Peter in Matthew 16, “Who do you say that I am?” the question …

United Methodists react to end of Roe v. Wade
United Methodists with varied views on the abortion issue were alternately stunned and satisfied after word came down from the Supreme Court that Roe v. Wade would no longer be the law of the land.

Local Pastors Licensing School to begin in August
The Eastern PA Conference’s next Local Pastor Licensing School will begin August 19 and run eight weekends total until Oct. 8. That includes six weekends total of in-class modules, again offered fully online via Zoom video-conferencing, with a weekend off …

Bishops call for action to stop mass shootings
“There are no words,” begins Bishop John Schol in his poignant letter of response to the painful spate of mass murders tolling like death knells across our nation’s mournful landscape—from Buffalo, New York, to Southern California to tiny Uvalde, Texas. …

Churches condemn hate, urge action after shootings
Lincoln Memorial United Methodist Church stands a few blocks from the grocery store where a gunman opened fire May 14 — killing 10 people and injuring three. But for members of the largely Black congregation in Buffalo, what officials labeled a white supremacist attack hit far closer to home…

Grieving, praying after attack on school
United Methodists are stepping up to provide support and prayer after a horrific shooting at a Texas elementary school that took the lives of at least 19 children and two teachers. Even as they pray for grieving families and a traumatized community, many in the church are also asking in the words of Psalm 13: “How long, Oh Lord, how long?”

God, show us how to do more: A prayer in response to violence
Holy One, Our thoughts and prayers are with the families and friends of those in Uvalde, Texas. We recognize, however, that this isn’t enough. Mobilize us, God. We do not want to be desensitized to violence. Stir something deep within …

Ruling opens door for bishop elections in 2022
The United Methodist Council of Bishops has the authority to call jurisdictional conferences this year to elect and assign new episcopal leaders in the U.S. However, that authority does not extend to changing the Sept. 1 date when church law says newly elected U.S. bishops officially take office, the denomination’s top court ruled in Decision 1445.

Charles Yrigoyen remembered as pastor and scholar
Key points: The Rev. Charles Yrigoyen Jr., a leading United Methodist historian, oversaw the denomination’s Commission on Archives and History for nearly 24 years. He also had years of experience as a pastor and professor in his native Pennsylvania. Friends …

Bishops to chart future of denomination, welcome new leaders
In the wake of disruptions and postponements due to the COVID-19 global pandemic, the more than 100 bishops of The United Methodist Church will meet once again in a virtual gathering April 25 to April 29, 2022, to discuss the future course of the denomination.