UMCOR collaborates to relieve Ukrainians’ suffering

The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR), a Texas-based humanitarian organization focused on Ukraine and Ohio Health are collaborating to send 47,895 pounds of medical supplies and equipment worth $935,000.00 to three hospitals in Kyiv, Ukraine. AEC Parcel Services is handling transport of the supplies, which are being sent in three shipments…

Delegates urge hope for denomination’s future

Since the postponement of General Conference to 2024, much of the news has been about church disaffiliations and denominational divisions. No question the rhetorical punches are flying on social media and in newsletters. However, many United Methodists see no reason to …

UM court answers 2021 EPA Conference question

The United Methodist Church’s supreme court released this week three decisions responding to questions raised during annual conference sessions. One of its decisions responded to a question raised at Eastern PA’s 2021 Annual Conference. The Judicial Council determined that bishops …

United Methodists respond to invasion of Ukraine

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine brought calls for prayer and statements of deep concern from United Methodists, as well as a first-hand account from a denomination member in harm’s way. “We were awakened from deep morning sleep by the sound of …

Hendren aiming for stability at Wespath

Prudent investing is complicated at any time. But as Andrew Hendren works to get his sea legs as the new top executive at Wespath Benefits and Investments, the outlook is downright dizzying…

Church disaffiliations, court cases mount

With a proposed United Methodist separation on hold, a growing number of congregations are moving ahead with their own plans to leave the denomination. Frazer Memorial United Methodist Church, one of the largest churches in the Alabama-West Florida Conference, is …

Church helps nurse children back to health in Congo

For more than three years, The United Methodist Church has fed over 1,000 malnourished children in Bukavu, Kisangani, Kindu and Tunda.  The effort — part of the Maternal and Child Health Program in East Congo — has been getting financial support from …