The United Methodist Committee on Relief has processed more than $17 million so far to help the people of Ukraine cope with the invasion by Russia, said its top executive during the United Methodist Board of Global Ministries’ fall board meeting. At …

Church helps immigrant member whose family is stranded in Ukraine
A Liberian-Ukrainian immigrant and member of Berry Long UMC in Southwest Philadelphia was featured on a local Fox 29 TV news broadcast March 7 when he shared anxious concerns about his wife and son who are hiding in Odessa, a …

More EPA churches respond to crisis in Ukraine
With increasing daily reports of Russia’s horrific war on Ukraine—the destruction of cities and the tragic loss and uprooting of lives—United Methodists are finding ways to respond with their support. Many are donating much-needed funds through UMCOR (United Methodist Committee …

Resources & Ideas for Helping the Ukrainian People in Crisis
THIS ARTICLE IS UPDATED WITH NEW INFORMATION PRAYERS Prayers for Peace. Temple UMC in Pottstown hosted a Prayers for Peace service Feb. 25, that included scriptures, a litany for peace and hymns. The Rev. Gary Nicholson, pastor, shares their event …

Churches respond to war in Ukraine with prayers for peace
As destruction spreads and casualties mount in Ukraine under the brutal attack by Russia’s military, United Methodists globally are responding to the crisis, including in the Eastern PA Conference. The Philadelphia region is home to the second-largest contingent of Ukrainians …
Otterbein UMC hosts prayer vigil for Ukraine
At Otterbein UMC in Mont Clare, on Saturday, Feb. 26, members hosted a prayer vigil for the crisis in Ukraine. Otterbein suffered severe damage from the floods in September 2021 as a result of Hurricane Ida. After months of repair …
Bishops urge prayer for peace and safety in Ukraine
Bishop John Schol called on EPAUMC members Friday to pray, “particularly in your worship services this weekend for the people of Ukraine and for peace in the region.” He reported that the UMC’s Council of Bishops discussed in a called …

United Methodists respond to invasion of Ukraine
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine brought calls for prayer and statements of deep concern from United Methodists, as well as a first-hand account from a denomination member in harm’s way. “We were awakened from deep morning sleep by the sound of …