Conference youth are socially distanced but spiritually connected

Most teenagers by Saturday are no doubt tired of looking, listening and talking to computer screens all week for school instruction and social interaction during the COVID-19 pandemic. Yet, Eastern PA Conference youth gladly gather on-screen twice a month for Conference Council on Youth Ministry (CCYM) meetings that for some have become like talk therapy.

A national focus in February on teen dating violence

President Joseph Biden has continued a recent, annual tradition with a White House Proclamation that observes February 2021 as National Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month. Announced Feb. 3, the proclamation reads in part: This February, during National Teen …

CE youth ministry workshop on Zoom, Feb. 24

Longtime youth ministry leader Christian Endeavor (CE) will host its Intentional NextGen Discipleship Workshop on Zoom on Wednesday, Feb. 24, and it invites Eastern PA Conference youth leaders and ministers to attend. The 90-minute session begins at 12 PM.  Dave Coryell, an ordained Deacon, is …