Longtime youth ministry leader Christian Endeavor (CE) will host its Intentional NextGen Discipleship Workshop on Zoom on Wednesday, Feb. 24, and it invites Eastern PA Conference youth leaders and ministers to attend. The 90-minute session begins at 12 PM. Dave Coryell, an ordained Deacon, is …
Join Celebrating our Cultures at Christmas
It’s been a tough year. But the Eastern PA Conference’s Celebrating our Cultures at Christmas, on Sunday, Dec. 13, from 3 to 5 PM, will bring music to our ears and smiles to our hearts. It’s our virtual celebration on …
Watch UMC global World AIDS Day service, Dec. 1
Rev. William Brawner, of the Eastern PA Conference, will share his testimony as a person living with HIV during a global online UM worship service on World AIDS Day, Dec. 1, 2 PM.
Digital Ministry for the Rest of Us, Dec. 5
Need help getting your church online? Attend this interactive presentation on Zoom, 10 to 11:30 AM. Topics: Basics of church technology; Choosing and using livestream and/or recorded video. Learn more…
Race-Based Mascots Workshop, Nov. 8
The Eastern PA Conference Committee on Native American Ministries (CONAM) will present a Zoom video-conference on Sunday, Nov. 8, at 4 PM, about the ongoing abuse of Native American identities and stereotypes as sports team names and mascots. That abuse continues in …
Eastern PA-supported missionaries to appear on Zoom Thursday at noon
Eastern PA Conference members interested in global mission can learn more directly from missionaries we support through #stillinmission weekly video chats over Zoom, sponsored by the UMC’s Global Ministries agency. Two missionaries supported by churches in our conference will talk …
Emotional Intelligence & Diversity Workshop: Oct. 31 & Nov. 7
Want to improve your communication, teamwork and conflict management skills? Create a more welcoming, inclusive environment in your church and community? This 2-session Zoom training can help. Learn more.
Racism, Trauma & Transformation, Oct. 17
A dialogue for people of color. 9 AM to 2 PM on Zoom. Therapist R. Dandridge Collins, PhD., will unveil often hidden effects of racism that can produce trauma. But healing is possible. Learn more…
CDT adds new Wednesday morning book club, Oct. 21
Wednesday is “CDT Book Club Day” for the Eastern PA Conference. The Congregational Development Team (CDT), which already sponsors a Wednesday evening Book Club….
Domestic Violence Seminar: ‘When Home Hurts’
‘When Home Hurts’–Domestic Violence and Families: The Church Responds. October 9-10, 2020…