Here it is! Your big guide to what to expect at IGNITE 2024! This year, our featured worship leader is Jonathan Traylor. Jonathan is Gospel’s most talked-about up-and-coming artist. He offers a diverse sound and creative presentation that brings a …

Faith Lessons from Gretna Glen
This summer Gretna Glen welcomed 1,269 campers to a time apart, when they could play, grow, and learn about faith. Here are a few of the lessons learned from campers both big and small. Jesus connects us with God. Cameron …

Youth Representatives from EPA & GNJ Overflow with Excitement and Hope for Jurisdictional Conference
Three youth from GNJ and EPA have traveled to Pittsburgh to bear witness to the conference and share the perspective of the young disciples of the UMC. They joined others from across the jurisdiction to form a group of 20 …

EPA summer camps ready to transform young lives
Summer camps at the Eastern PA Conference’s four Camp & Retreat Centers blast off this week and next, launching perhaps several thousand children and youth into a season of enjoyable, exploratory experiences, as they are encouraged, taught and guided by …

Church invites youth to serve in MyCalling! mission adventure
Yardley (PA) United Methodist Church’s youth invite others to come join in their annual MyCalling! youth mission adventure July 14-18, as they learn to serve others, while learning about themselves and worshiping God together. The young people enjoy working at …

Apply for grants in May to pay higher education costs
Application period: May 1-13, 2024 On May 1 the Education Society of the Eastern Pennsylvania Conference will begin accepting grant applications to help worthy United Methodist students pay the cost of higher education for the 2024-2025 school year. The grants are for students …

Program connects churches with student pastors for mutual benefits
Mosaic Ministries expands to EPA and seeks to revive culture of the call. NOTE: The Rev. Kate Monahan invites all to attend an information session for local church leaders to learn about Mosaic Ministries via Zoom on Thursday, February 15, …

Youth Leaders Day ignites shared learning, support for youth ministries
Post-pandemic youth ministry is hard. So hard, in fact, that the leadership of EPA&GNJ Next Gen Ministries recognized the folly of going about it alone. The United Methodist Church of West Chester in EPA became a hub of inspiration on …

NextGen coordinator to share wisdom with peers at Youth Leader Days
Register for IGNITE’s Youth Leader Days now: January 27 at West Chester UMC, in Eastern PA, and February 24 at Aldersgate UMC in East Brunswick, NJ. Michael Nelson, a dynamic youth pastor at Norwood (PA) United Methodist Church and a …

Camps to welcome EPA&GNJ youth to Confirmation Retreats in April
This spring two Eastern PA Conference Camp & Retreat Centers are eager to welcome youth from across EPA and the Greater New Jersey Conference to their 2024 Confirmation Retreats in April, where they can enjoy the beauty and diversity of …