Sep 03, 2024 | Sarah Borgstrom Lee

Here it is! Your big guide to what to expect at IGNITE 2024!

This year, our featured worship leader is Jonathan Traylor. Jonathan is Gospel’s most talked-about up-and-coming artist. He offers a diverse sound and creative presentation that brings a unique, fresh sound for a new generation. Jonathan will lead worship for us over the weekend.

Throughout the weekend feel free to gather in the Convention Center with your group. There are games laid out in the hallways, comfy couches, and basketball set up in the East Hall.

A Sensory Room with Prayer Stations will be available throughout the weekend in Meeting Rooms 2-3. There you can pause to pray, reflect, or experience all the worship and messages from the Main Stage at a lower volume level without the flashing lights. 


Jonathan Traylor, Gospel artist & worship leader

Registration opens at 5 PM. After registration you can browse display tables, shop for merch, hang out on the comfy couches or play games with friends both old and new. Doors to the opening session open at 8 PM. We’ll start with high energy music, then worship with Jonathan Traylor, followed by a message from speaker YaNi Davis. YaNi uses her words wisely as a hip-hop artist, an inspiring speaker, an effective educator, a profound poet, a modern-day prophet, and a multidisciplinary creative.

Opening Worship will be followed by a musical performance from Angie Rose. Angie’s combination of raw energy and undaunted lyrics inspires us to find healing in Jesus and never give up on our purpose.

For a more low-key evening, join Alyssa Ruch and Mecan Payne in the East Hall Deck for Yoga Chapel: Go & Flow, an alternative worship experience that blends scripture with movement and mindfulness. Please note the East Hall Deck is an outdoor location, if the weather isn’t cooperating, then Yoga Chapel will meet in Ballroom B.

YaNi Davis, Poet, Prophet, & Friday Night Speaker


Doors to the Convention Center open at 9am. There will be an optional Youth Leader Meeting for people who want to learn more about the day, ask questions, or connect. There will be free coffee for youth leaders!

The main part of the day starts bright and not too early, at 10 a.m. with praise and worship led by Jonathan Traylor before Rev. Kate Monahan takes the stage to speak about how creativity and play are necessary spiritual practices.

The early afternoon offers opportunities to meet and greet YaNi Davis, Kate Monahan, and Joe Kim in the Ballrooms. Or bring your favorite poem, story, song, or creative talent to the Open Mic on the East Hall Deck.

The late afternoon features more activities. In Ballroom A, you’ll find a mission project, Christmas Cards for People in Prison. Members of the Prison Ministries and Restorative Justice Team in Eastern PA and Greater NJ will lead a time of learning, discussion, and writing Christmas cards for people experiencing incarceration. Groups can stay for the whole time or come and go.

Mecan Payne Yoga Chapel & Workshop Facilitator

Mecan Payne will be back again to lead “Go and Flow: Integrating Faith and Movement in Everyday Life” in Ballroom B. This session will explore how the teachings of Matthew 28:16-20, particularly the call to “Go,” can be embodied through the mindful movement of yoga. Participants will engage in guided yoga sessions, reflective practices, and discussions to explore how movement, breath, meditation, and prayer can be used as a spiritual discipline that supports living out their faith in their daily lives, carrying the message of the Great Commission into the world with intention and grace.

In Ballroom C, youth leaders can find a workshop just for them. Chris Wilterdink will lead “All Things About Ministry with Volunteers.” This session will teach leaders how to identify potential volunteers, support the life cycle of a volunteer, establish ways to help volunteers evaluate their effectiveness, and create effective means to show appreciation for their generosity.

Rev. Joe Kim, Pastor of Bothell UMC & Saturday Night Speaker

Rev. Joe Kim and Jonathan Traylor will take the main stage for the evening session. Rev. Joe is the pastor of Bothell UMC in Washington. He’s traveled around the world as a speaker, preacher, workshop leader, and facilitator, encouraging people of faith to do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with God.

At the end of the Saturday evening session, we’ll invite leaders to the front for the opportunity to pray with students. And then they day will round out with small group discussion or Yoga Chapel with Alyssa Ruch and Mecan Payne on the East Hall Deck (or Ballroom B if the weather is bad).

Discussion guide materials can be found in the IGNITE Digital Magazine which everyone will receive the week of the conference. The Digital Magazine will be accessible via smart phone, tablet, or your device of choice throughout the weekend and have all the days, times and locations of activities.

Sunday Morning

On Sunday morning, Jonathan Traylor and Bishop Cynthia Moore-Koikoi will challenge us to “Go and make disciples of all nations” in the Sunday morning session, which will end with communion and a final invitation to “Go!” and share the story of all that God is doing in your life and in the world around you.

Ready to register? Click here.

Want to learn more about how to register, book hotels, and organize the weekend for your group? [Click here] to register for an info session with Eric Drew.