Midtown Parish UMC in Philadelphia (718 W Norris St.) will host a young people’s music and arts concert on Saturday, Nov. 13. Their goal is “to bridge the challenging relational and missional gap between the young and old generations.”
“Because art and music is such an universal language, we’re confident that this platform would be an ideal way to initiate this initiative,” says Pastor Terry Bridges, who is also EPAUMC’s Urban Ministries Coordinator. “These expressions will promote and encourage complimentary exchanges between the age groups, therefore producing the ideal environment by which relationships can be spawned.”
Because many in the millennial generation tend to be much more interested in missions that lead to movements, Bridges says, the church’s goal is to “engage in organic dialogue that will reveal mutual interest in a cause that both groups can get behind together.”
Midtown Parish is partnering with the EPAUMC’s Youth and Young Adult Ministry and Our Nation Festival (ONF), a nonprofit organization established by three Christian students at Temple and Drexel universities. Their main purpose is to bring diverse communities together through festivals and other cultural gatherings.
“We are operating in complete faith,” said Bridges. “We are excited about blessing all who will attend, expecting lasting connections from the event.”
“This is great ministry,” said the Rev. Myra Maxwell, who chairs EPAUMC’s Urban Commission. “I am so excited for our Urban churches.”