Getting involved does not have to mean going into prisons. Consider volunteering with an organization active in Prison Ministry, Restorative Justice, or Criminal Justice Reform.
Healing Communities USA
Healing Communities is a framework for a distinct form of ministry for men and women returning from or at risk of incarceration, their families and the larger community. Healing Communities challenges congregations to become Stations of Hope for those persons affected by the criminal justice system.
Kairos Prison Ministry
Kairos Prison Ministry International, Inc. (Kairos) is a lay-led, interdenominational Christian ministry in which men and women volunteers bring Christ's love and forgiveness to prisoners and their families. The programs involve a structured model that includes the weekend experience, followed by guests or participants gathering regularly for accountability, support, and prayer.
Also see: Kairos of Pennsylvania website
Kairos Outside
Kairos Outside is a special weekend retreat designed to support the female relatives/friends of men and women who are or have been incarcerated, or women who were unable to attend Kairos Inside while in prison, followed by a continuing ministry. Learn the Details...
Pennsylvania Prison Society
The mission of the Pennsylvania Prison Society is to advocate for humane prisons and a rational approach to criminal justice.
Prison Fellowship
Every person is made in the image of God. No life is beyond His reach. Founded in 1976, Prison Fellowship® exists to serve all those affected by crime and incarceration, and to see lives and communities restored in and out of prison—one transformed life at a time.
The mission of Yokefellowship Prison Ministry is to help at-risk youth, inmates and returning citizens yoke themselves to Christ for salvation and changed lives.
Equal Justice Initiative
The Equal Justice Initiative is committed to ending mass incarceration and excessive punishment in the United States, to challenging racial and economic injustice, and to protecting basic human rights for the most vulnerable people in American society.
Dream Corps JUSTICE
Dream Corps JUSTICE is a bipartisan effort to cut crime and incarceration across all 50 states. We bring together leaders impacted by the criminal justice system with unlikely allies spanning the political divide to push for criminal justice solutions.
The Sentencing Project
The Sentencing Project is a leader in changing the way Americans think about crime and punishment. The Sentencing Project promotes effective and humane responses to crime that minimize imprisonment and criminalization of youth and adults by promoting racial, ethnic, economic, and gender justice.
Contact Us
Rev. Marilyn Schneider
Coordinator, Prison Ministry & Restorative Justice