Sharing God’s Love at Christmas Begins Now
Can you imagine being separated from your family and friends at Christmas? Those who are in prison suffer this isolation and other deprivations on a daily basis, but at Christmas, those losses can be particularly difficult. Through the EPA Conference’s Christmas Cards for People In Prison program, you can help those who are imprisoned know of God’s love for them. Simply write an encouraging note on a card, sign your first name only, and return the completed cards to the Eastern PA Conference Prison Ministry Team so that they are received by Monday, November 4.
Over the last several years, congregants and community members in Eastern PA have delivered thousands of these cards each year to a number of correctional facilities, touching the hearts of those who are imprisoned. With your help, we can continue to reach out in love through this ministry again this year. And its easy to do – just follow these 3 simple steps:
This can be achieved several ways - either...
- Make the cards yourselves: Click here for images and follow these simple directions (click here for directions). It's easy, inexpensive and you simply need the correct paper (67# cover stock) and access to a color printer/copier. If you are able to do this, it helps us provide for those who cannot.
- For those who do not have the resources needed to make the cards, bundles of cards (5/bag) can be picked up from a few locations around the conference (click here for a list of pick up/drop off locations).
- For those for whom the above 2 options will not work, simply fill the form below and we can try to mail cards (up to 100 of them) to you for completion: Request to Receive Cards by Mail
Write a brief encouraging note on each card and sign your first name. Please be sure to follow directions provided here. Feel free to use these suggestions to help you get started on thinking about what to write, and click here for a flyer to use for promotion.
Completed cards can be mailed to the EPA Conference Office at the address below, or returned at one of several drop off locations around the conference (click here for a list of pick up/drop off locations).
EPA Conference Office
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 820
Valley Forge, PA 19482-0820
Questions? Contact Marilyn Schneider, Chair of Prison Ministry and Restorative Justice Team, at
Contact Us

Rev. Marilyn Schneider
Coordinator, Prison Ministry & Restorative Justice