Presenter: FaithTrust Institute – Rev. Lydia Mulkey West Lawn UMC 15 Woodside Ave, Reading, PA 19609 Cost: $20 to register Offering .20 CEUs for this event. Both laity and clergy are urged to attend. The conference Board of Ordained Ministry endorses …

Domestic Violence: The Faith Community Responds, Nov. 17
Domestic Violence: The Faith Community Responds FaithTrust Institute is a leading partner in the quest to educate and engage faith communities, including churches, in responding effectively to the life-threatening and often lethal scourge of domestic violence that afflicts family and community …

Helping Puerto Rico Rise Again Love Offering Oct. 14
Our conference’s Helping Puerto Rico Rise Again month-long love offering ends this Sunday, Oct. 14, along with National Hispanic/Latino Heritage Month (Sept. 15 to October 15) As we continue to offer prayers and assistance to Puerto Rico’s recovery from the …

Their silence fills the earth
Bishop Bruce R. Ough October 01, 2018 On Thursday, Sept. 27, the nation was riveted by the testimony given to the Senate Judiciary Committee in the Judge Kavanaugh confirmation hearings. Dr. Christine Blasey Ford gave compelling, courageous, and at points, …

Christmas Cards for prison inmates ministry resumes with Nov. 5, 2018 deadline
It’s that special time of the year again. The Eastern PA Conference Prison Ministry & Restorative Justice (PMRJ) Team is asking church and conference members and friends to download, print and sign its online selection of Christmas greeting cards to be delivered …

In Germantown, a sanctuary church resists the federal government – again
Philadelphia Inquirer reporter Jeff Gammage continues his revealing coverage of First UMC of Germantown’s recent decision to provide sanctuary to two undocumented immigrant families whose appeals for protective asylum were rejected by the U.S. Bishop Peggy Johnson plans to visit …

Church & Society event to focus on Social Justice
“Building Connections for Social Justice” is the theme of a major education and advocacy event, Sept. 29, at West Lawn UMC. Rev. Dr. Clayton Childers, of the UMC’s Board of Church & Society, will keynote. Learn more…

New co-chair, Oct. 21 event for immigration advocacy team
The Eastern PA Conference Rapid Response Team (RRT) has a new co-leader and a new event for advocates of immigration justice and mercy to support. The Rev. Lydia Munoz now co-chairs of the RRT along with Ruth Daugherty, as the Rev. Lilian …

2 immigrant families find sanctuary at Philadelphia church
Two immigrant families, both with children who are American citizens, have taken sanctuary inside First United Methodist Church of Germantown (FUMCOG) to resist deportation orders from the federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency. The families, from Honduras and Jamaica, recently had …