Undies for Easter: An Act of Love

Each inmate arriving into the Philadelphia Prison System is given ONE pair of underpants and no undershirts or socks.  Can you imagine living with only one pair of underpants? Through your generosity we have donated more than 2,000 pairs of …

Souper Bowl Challenge (Fill Out the Form Below!)

Next Sunday, our Philadelphia Eagles will face off against the Kansas City Chiefs on the football field—a rematch of sorts, after a disappointing loss in 2023. We, the United Methodists in EPA & GNJ, must face a rematch of our …

From Lament to Hope-filled Action

On January 15, 2025, 60 people gathered via Zoom for Lament and Action, to worship together and learn how to support the immigrants and refugees who live among us. The event was led by Rev. Noé Gabriel López, Associate Superintendent …

The Disability Ministries Committee of the UMC needs your help

The Disabilities Ministry Committee of the UMC is constantly at work educating churches and annual conferences on how to eliminate barriers that prevent those with disabilities from participating in the life of the church. Their work is vital, but often …

Healing from the Trauma of Domestic Violence

On Saturday October 26th EPA is sponsoring a Domestic Violence Awareness workshop. Two survivors will share their stories and then Rev. Neelley Hicks, a UMC pastor will facilitate a conversation to equip faith leaders with the tools they need to …

Camphor Memorial UMC hosts community conversation

On Friday, September 13th, Camphor Memorial UMC hosted a Community Conversation designed to bring church members, neighborhood residents, and business and community leaders together to dream about how Camphor might be in ministry with their community. The conversation opened with …