Bishop John Schol shared in a conference-wide letter Monday results from a survey he conducted in August to help him identify what many believe are “the characteristics of a passionate disciple, a transformational leader and a vital Wesleyan congregation.” As the bishop met with Eastern PA and Greater New Jersey district superintendents during a joint Cabinet three-day working retreat, the online survey responses “served as a basis for our conversation and discernment.”
Focused on helping both conferences “understand and fulfill your calling and purpose,” the two Cabinets sought key priorities to help lead “disciples, leaders and congregations to go into the community and world to bear fruit.” They identified five missional responsibilities to prioritize, in order of their importance to survey respondents.
- Grow and extend the mission of the church to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
- Lead and support congregations to connect with the people in their community.
- Strengthen the health and vitality of congregations to be witnesses in the world.
- Assist churches in understanding and preparing for a separation in the denomination.
- Assist churches to navigate the pandemic.