The Eastern PA Conference Commission on Religion and Race (CORR) has formed an Economic Justice Council with clergy and lay members from across the Conference who reflect racial-ethnic and gender diversity.
“CORR recognizes that our continuing commitment to greater racial justice in the Eastern PA Conference also requires economic justice,” said the Rev. Dawn Taylor-Storm, Director of Connectional Ministries. “The work of this council will focus on achieving greater racial equity here in the Eastern PA Conference.”
Four focus areas will define the initial work of the council. The goal is to develop specific proposals for each area that would provide greater economic-racial-ethnic equity. These proposals would be brought to the 2022 annual conference.
Church Sales: How can funds from sales of church buildings be directed to empower and revitalize BIPOC (Black & Indigenous People of Color) communities?
Apportionment Formula: How can a new apportionment formula contribute to racial-economic equity in the Eastern PA Conference? The council will analyze the current apportionment formula and will work with CCFA (Conference Council on Finance & Administration) to discern if there are other models that should be considered for a new apportionment formula that would enable greater racial-economic equity in Eastern PA.
Budget review: How can the Eastern PA Conference budget provide more equitable and intentional funding of BIPOC communities and leadership?
Compensation practices: Determine if compensation practices, such as the minimum salary scale, are just (equitable) across racial groups.
As part of their work, members will solicit input from their various constituencies. Two outside consultants will facilitate the council’s work: Leilani Henry and Lorraine Marino.