Five things you may not know about Christmas

We know the stories in the Bible, attend Advent and Christmas Eve worship each year, listen to tons of Christmas carols, and have seen just about every Christmas movie and special. We United Methodists know a lot about Christmas, but like most things …

Family throws surprise Christmas party for 250 women

With joy and jubilation, the Mutoko East 2 United Methodist women’s organization received an early Christmas surprise from the Mukandi family. During the Nov. 27 festivities at Bwanya United Methodist Church, the family thanked God for protection and healing from …

United Methodists respond after devastating twisters

United Methodists in Kentucky, Tennessee and neighboring states are coming to terms with the devastation of a string of tornadoes Dec. 10-11, while also mobilizing quickly to provide food, emergency shelter and other relief. The storm system that struck on …

Church exits, COVID lead to steep budget cuts

What does a predicted denominational split and an unpredictable pandemic mean for The United Methodist Church’s bottom line? The General Council on Finance and Administration board grappled with that question as members revisited the denomination-wide budget that will go before …

Inspiration, expertise for Black churches

When the leaders of Strengthening the Black Church for the 21st Century declare that ministry going forward needs to be done from the “right side,” they’re not referring to politics. The full, mildly irreverent title of SBC21’s Dec. 1-2 conference in Houston is “Shift Happens: …