You can make a difference!
We have all been impacted by the pandemic in the United States. During our own challenges, God calls us to care for others. Your Peter D. Weaver Congo Partnership continues to be a beacon of hope for the people of the Democratic Republic of Congo that has been devastated by the pandemic and other challenges, especially economically.
We are seeing a growing rate of malnutrition and starvation because people in remote areas are unable to grow their own food. Our lifesaving Partnership projects are needed more than ever. We endeavor to provide for the physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual needs of our Congolese sisters and brothers. You can make a difference.
The Partnership usually receives significant financial support during the Eastern PA Annual Conference and from supportive local churches throughout the year. Other partners are the Peninsula-Delaware and Western North Carolina conferences. But hardships in recent months have caused these contributions to dwindle.
The Partnership now faces serious financial challenges which will require us to cut some of our life-giving projects if urgently needed funds cannot be raised. If every person and every congregation provided some financial support, God would take those gifts and multiply them so that we can support our Congolese mission partners in this time of great need.
“The Congo Partnership needs your support during this difficult time,” says Bishop Peggy Johnson. “One child can be fed every day for a year for $138. People are finding it hard to get food, and many of our projects depend on our generosity to continue to exist. Please consider having a special offering at your church. No gift is too small as funds go a long way in the Congo.”
A 2-minute 2020 Congo Partnership Projects video update is now available. Click on the logo and download the video for showing in your online worship service or at church. You can also paste the link into your Web browser:
When making contributions, it is most helpful if your gifts are undesignated so that we can use them as needed. Remember, 100% of your gift goes to the projects with NO administrative cost.
To help you promote some special projects and provide information about various costs for these projects, we have prepared the document: Funding Options for Local Churches/Individuals to Support Various Partnership Projects along with ways you can contribute. Visit our Web site: for persons to contact if you need additional information. You can make a difference and save lives.
We covet your prayers for the people of Congo and for the work of the Congo partnership. Lusaka Efula—Thank you very much from the people of central Congo!