Imagine what it would be like to be behind bars this Christmas, with limited contact with family and friends. Receiving a card with an encouraging note from someone “outside” would be such a meaningful gift!
Last year congregants in Eastern PA were able to share the message of God’s love through Christmas cards to 8400 individuals impacted by the criminal justice system, in 15 facilities. Let’s reach out again this year to remind those who are incarcerated that they are God’s beloved children, just like we are.
Its easy to do and it would mean so much. Just follow the specific directions provided in the attachments below. Completed cards need to be returned on or before Monday Nov 4 to your district collection point or the conference office. Thank you!
Visit the Prison Ministry & Restorative Justice webpage and find the downloadable cards and instructions. It is a perfect way to remember the true reason for the Christmas season. Also view the UMCom video about this ministry produced in 2016: Church Christmas Cards Show Care to Prisoners | View on YouTube