Gretna Glen Camp & Retreat Center is urging supporters to donate to its development on Friday, Nov. 19, during Lancaster County’s 24-hour Extraordinary Give fundraising campaign (at the Extraordinary Give website, www.extragive.org, until 11:59 PM). It’s Lancaster County’s largest day of giving, and the Lebanon-based camp participates because it serves many clients from Lancaster County.
The camp is hoping for generous donations help update its Health Center/Carrie Lodge facility. “We are so excited to be moving forward with this much-needed project,” writes site director Apryl Miller in an appeal. “This update will benefit our summer campers and retreat groups as this building becomes more of a year-round facility. The space will become ADA accessible along with providing a summer program office in the central part of our site. We are grateful to have already secured donations of $137,000. The estimated cost for this project is between $320,000-$400,000.”
LUMINA, which offers food, clothing, affordable housing, educational opportunities and the light of friendship to those experiencing the darkness of poverty, hardship, and loneliness in Lancaster, features some of its ministries in the fall issue of its newsletter. The conference-sponsored missions agency supported mostly by local volunteers, donors and churches is participating in the Lancaster County Community Foundation cooperative Extraordinary Give fundraising campaign. Learn more and support them with a donation.
Check out the fall issue of LUMINA’s newsletter to learn about its Kids Ministry, family crisis intervention, and cooperation with the interchurch-run MANIFEST project, which rehabs and leases affordable homes to under-housed families with help from IMPACT! Missions. There’s also news about its Super Cupboard Partnership that was able to offer healthy, nutritional cooking instruction to immigrant families despite the COVID pandemic shutdown. Contact LUMINA director the Rev. Correen Russo (Deacon) at Correen.Lumina@gmail.com to learn more.
The Boehm’s Chapel Society, near Willow Street, is also seeking Extraordinary gifts. The first facility built for Methodist worship (1791) in Lancaster County, it is the fourth oldest standing Methodist facility in the nation. The Chapel Society maintains the Chapel and an auxiliary building, and hosts services and other events.
Learn about their needs and suggestions for support from generous donors, including the society’s popular apple trees, monthly utilities, and Chapel window shutters that need replacement. Learn more at www.Boehmschapel.org and/or https://www.extragive.org/organizations/boehm-s-chapel-society.
Anchor Lancaster’s mission is to be a good neighbor by providing a daily hot breakfast and warm showers to neighbors in need, while aiding with other essential needs. The cooperative ministry hosted by First UMC Lancaster tries to offer “a welcoming, safe environment, receiving guests with dignity, respect and compassion” and treating them as “persons of sacred worth, reflecting the image of God.” Learn more…