As we continue to call for bold leadership and advocate for policies rooted in justice and sustainability, we understand that God is calling each of us to respond and that as a denomination we cannot hope to transform the world until we change our way of being in it. (2016 Book of Resolutions, #1035, “Climate Change and the Church’s Response”)
As COP26, the U.N. Climate Change Conference, comes to an end in Glasgow, Scotland, this week, there is still plenty of work to do.
As people of faith, we have a special calling to honor all of creation and establish justice. Church and Society invites you to participate in the winter webinar series, “Climate & Community: A Faithful Action for Climate Justice,” where we will hear from experts and assemble toolkits to help us take the next steps post-COP26.
Climate & Community: A Faithful Action for Climate Justice
Winter webinar series held December 6-9
December 6, 2021, 2 PM (ET) Climate Justice as a Global Movement
December 7, 2021, 2 PM (ET) Theological Reflection on Climate Justice
December 8, 2021, 10 AM (ET) Climate Change and Front-Line Communities
December 8, 2021, 2 PM (ET) Indigenous Climate and Water Justice
December 9, 2021, 10 AM (ET) En-Roads Climate Workshop – Simulating Global Solutions This is an interactive workshop. Please come prepared to engage with the facilitator and fellow participants. This workshop will not be recorded.
December 9, 2021, 2 PM (ET) Envisioning a Just Green Transition – Panel Discussion
December 9-11, 2021 “This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. The Climate”
As part of “Climate & Community: A Faithful Action for Climate Justice,” we invite you to gather with your family, friends, and fellow church members and watch a screening of “This Changes Everything,” a documentary film based on Naomi Klein’s book. The documentary is available for three days (December 9-11, 2021). “This Changes Everything” Official Trailer:
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