Carson Simpson Farm in Hatboro, EPA’s Philadelphia-area Camp & Retreat Center, will host a free, lively, half-day, outdoor worship festival on Saturday, Oct. 15, from 12 to 5 PM.
WorshipFest will feature an outpouring of music and messages from a faith-fueled cadre of young, Christian performers known as Ripe Creatives. The talented troupe will partner with Carson-Simpson for the community event and also perform during its summer camp season, which runs June 20 to August 19.
“The mission behind Worship Fest is to spread the gospel, through worship, arts, and community fellowship,” says Jonathan M. Curtis, Camp Director. “Throughout the event local church worship teams will perform, and Ripe Creatives will have hip-hop artists, spoken word poets, visual artists and Ripe’s very own worship team to perform.
“We are so excited for this opportunity for every tongue, tribe, and nation to gather and worship our awesome God.”
Curtis asks that everyone obtain a free digital ticket via Eventbrite to help the camp keep track of expected attendance. Tickets are available now.
Food and Beverages will be available for purchase from a variety of food trucks. Also, Carson Simpson Farm Christian Camp prohibits any smoking, drugs, and alcohol use.
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