Mar 15, 2023 | John W. Coleman

Camphor Memorial UMC in Philadelphia welcomes all to come hear the Rev. Robin Smith, a popular psychologist, author, speaker and media personality, as guest speaker during its annual Women’s Day on Sunday, March 26. The event theme is “Bloom Where You Are Planted.” 

Dr. Robin Smith, Camphor UMC’s Women’s Day Speaker

Dr. Smith,who lives in Philadelphia,is an ordained minister with a Ph.D. in counseling psychology from Temple University and a master’s degree from Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary. She hosts The Dr. Robin Show on SiriusXM’s Radio’sUrban View station (Channel 126), where she addresses “societal challenges through soulful conversation that unlocks the heart of the matter.”

Once a regular guest therapist for The Oprah Winfrey Show, she now speaks to Fortune 500 companies, sports and entertainment professionals, and other diverse groups to help listeners overcome adversity. She is the author of The New York Times #1bestsellerLies at the Altar: The Truth About Great Marriages, which has been translated into 14 languages, and other popular books.

Learn more about this event and 100-year-old Camphor UMC at