Republished with permission from the Mid-Atlantic United Methodist Foundation newsletter The Rev. David Woolverton is the lead pastor at St Paul’s UMC in Elizabethtown, PA, and a graduate of the Mid-Atlantic United Methodist Foundation’s Advanced Financial Academy. Originally, David’s AFA …

Workshops on Cemetery Care, Parsonage Practices
The Mid-Atlantic UM Foundation will offer two vibrant & informative training sessions for local church leaders on important (and sometimes insufficiently understood) areas of property ownership & management: Cemetery Care and Parsonage Practices— selling or renting. Please enroll appropriate leaders …

Foundation to teach Cemetery Care, Parsonage Practices
The Mid-Atlantic Foundation will offer two vibrant & informative training sessions for local church leaders on important (and sometimes insufficiently understood) areas of property ownership & management: Cemetery Care and Parsonage Practices– selling or renting. Please enroll appropriate leaders into …
Eden Resort, Lancaster PA Financial Leadership Academy (FLA) is the premier stewardship training program of the Mid-Atlantic United Methodist Foundation. Admission is by nomination from leadership. Since 2015, over 100 Clergy have graduated from this selective program. The Foundation is …