Conshohocken UMC realized that they had several building projects that needed attention. Their main fellowship space needed HVAC, the praise band required a more permanent platform so that they could play safely, and the office door needed to be updated …

Clergy gather for monthly spiritual retreat
On Wednesday September 4th clergy gathered for an afternoon of spiritual retreat, rest, and renewal. Arriving on the scene with the retreat underway, it was immediately apparent that something sacred was happening. The air itself felt softer, gentler. The pace …

Beth Stroud returns to FUMCOG a reinstated Elder
‘We Don’t Know How’ Thanks to her reinstatement by clergy members of the Eastern Pennsylvania Conference May 21, the Rev. Dr. Irene Elizabeth “Beth” Stroud can preach and serve Holy Communion as an Elder again. She did so for the …

Yea, though I walk… Pastors tread labyrinth in spiritual retreat
Twelve participants stepped away from their busy lives for a three-hour, midweek pastors spiritual retreat June 5. The small, monthly gathering usually includes time for reflective roaming around scenic church exteriors. But this month’s retreat at Paoli United Methodist Church …

Bishops confirm end to church disaffiliations, freedom regarding same-gender weddings
The College of Bishops of The United Methodist Church’s Northeastern Jurisdiction issued a letter June 10 to all members addressing the end of church disaffiliations and policies related to “Same-Gender Weddings and Appointments of LGBTQ Pastors.” The letter, in response to many …

EPA Annual Conference to ordain, commission 8 clergy
“Who presents these candidates to be ordained or commissioned?” Bishop John Schol will ask that question to begin the 2024 Eastern PA Conference’s Service of Ordination and Commissioning May 21. The congregation’s response will remind all present of where these …

EPA retired clergy invited to fellowship at regional lunches in May
Eastern PA’s Retired Preachers’ Association will gather in May for Spring Regional Lunches at three convenient locations to enjoy food and fellowship together, as they connect with colleagues in their areas. Spouses are welcome. The first group will meet in …

Find rest, renewal in God at pastors spiritual retreat May 1
Eastern PA’s next Pastors Spiritual Retreat will happen May 1 at Quakertown UMC (1875 Freier Rd.) and online via Zoom, at 12:30 to 3:30 p.m. On each first Wednesday pastors are invited to “stop, take some time for ourselves to …

Woolverton helps leaders’ wrestle with vulnerability in ‘Prophet & Loss…’
The Rev. David Woolverton, a longtime Eastern PA elder, pastoral counselor, consultant and trainer, has just published a new book to resource ministry leaders for the emotional and spiritual task of providing personal and pastoral care to others. Prophet and …

Hundreds find learning, encouragement, connections at Tools for Ministry
“I give thanks for Tools for Ministry events that provide us with learning, encouragement and connections for this journey,” said the Rev. Dawn Taylor-Storm, Assistant to the Bishop for Leadership Development and the Eastern PA Conference’s Director of Connectional Ministries. …