Final webinar: Tuesday, Nov. 29, 3– 4 PM. Clergy eligible to retire in 2023—or considering retirement in the next few years: register today for Wespath’s pre-retirement webinars scheduled this fall.
More flexibility coming for retirees
GLENVIEW, Ill. — New options are coming for United Methodist retirees through the LifeStage Retirement Income program announced by Wespath Benefits and Investments. New possibilities include an annuity contract that guarantees an annual income from age 80 until death and …
FAQs on pensions and disaffiliations
GLENVIEW, Ill. — Wespath Benefits and Investments, the United Methodist pension agency, has released answers to frequently asked questions related to church disaffiliations and the potential departure of annual conferences. Bottom line: Wespath says both departing churches and conferences still …
UMPIP Billing Change as of April 1, 2021
Exciting news! Paying a pastor’s UMPIP contribution will be simplified with your April Remittance Statement. The Eastern PA Conference is participating in a test group of conferences in preparation for pension changes following the General Conference. As of April 1, 2021, …
Virtual One-on-One Meetings with Wespath
In past years the Board of Benefits has offered one-on-one interviews with a Wespath representative during Annual Conference. While we hope to return to this model in the future, during this new season of continued distancing, we are able to …