Invoking God’s call to courageous, visionary leadership, the Eastern PA Conference celebrated the installation of two new district superintendents on Sunday, Sept. 18, in two places—outdoor and indoor sanctuaries—just 74 miles apart.

Latino Commission retreats serve leaders of all ages
Bendiciones y la paz de Dios en nuestros corazones. Es de sumo gozo reiniciar nuestro retiro anual de la Comisión Latina. (Blessings and the peace of God in our hearts. It is with great joy that we resume our annual Latino Commission retreat.)

The Being of Leadership
Over the last several months, I have written to you about leading – why leadership is important, what leaders focus on and do, and how leaders develop. Today I focus on the being of leadership. As much as the doing of leadership is important, if we are not in sync with the being of leadership, all of our doing may not matter or may not connect with people.

Leaders are born, right?
Dear EPA Leaders, I continue to be grateful for your leadership in your congregation and in the larger church. Your gifts and leadership are leading us forward. As we look to engage more deeply in growing faith and developing vital, …

Connectional Table learns about EPA goals, plans, progress
EPA’s Connectional Table, a gathering of staff and elected chairpersons of various conference committees, met July 12 via Zoom to hear and respond to reported plans and updates on major conference program initiatives. Thirty-two leaders, including four new chairpersons, joined …

Exploring the lifecycle and leadership of small-membership churches
Bi-Vocational Pastors & Small Church Network to focus on church revitalization July 12 Church Revitalization for Small-Membership Churches will be the focus of the EPA Bi-Vocational Pastors and Small Church Network’s next meeting on Tuesday, July 12. The group’s usually …

Help Is On the Way!
Everywhere I drive my car these days—and I drive a lot!— I encounter potholes in the road—huge, crater-like, car-swallowing potholes. And nobody seems to be doing anything about it. There’s a stretch of road about four miles long which runs …

EPA honors churches, leaders for the fruit they bear
“Be purposeful and fruitful.” That creative challenge is in the last line of Bishop John Schol’s April 4 essay titled “ Direction: A Key Ingredient for Successful Leadership – Part 2: Mission.” He reminds us of the Eastern PA Conference’s mission: “Recruit …