GBHEM will host its first virtual book club with Bonnie Marden, author of “Church Finances for Missional Leaders: Best Practices for Faithful Stewardship.” Viewers are encouraged to…

Virtual Urban Summit, Part 2: Going to Green
Urban churches returning to gathered worship healthy and prepared. Tuesday, June 30, 6:30 PM. Join us! Register in advance for this meeting.

Communicating cross-culturally to help create real change
For church leaders to effectively communicate beyond their congregation and culture — that is, to reach a broader, dissimilar audience — they should try to forge a true, interpersonal connection…

NEWSpirit Newspaper Spring 2020 issue
The NEWSpirit Spring issue is on our website and ready to read and share. Eight colorful pages packed with information, insight and inspiration about people and ministries of our conference. Read on…

Bishop’s statement about reopening of churches
Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I have been asked recently about the reopening of our churches. I want to be clear about the following…

Urban Commission to aid urban churches during pandemic
The Eastern PA Conference Urban Commission has shifted funds intended for Urban Alliances and Urban Initiatives grants to instead help the Cabinet support struggling urban congregations during the pandemic.

Tentative General Conference dates publicized
After the pandemic-caused postponement, the new prospective dates for The United Methodist Church’s General Conference are 8/31-9/10, 2021.

Modeling non-anxious leadership during pandemic
The statistics are grim, but United Methodists in the U.S. have engaged the COVID-19 pandemic by emphasizing good information, helping those in need and offering inspiration… Learn more…

Serving the Community: A Tribute to Pastoral Leadership in Norristown
Church sanctuaries are empty. Christians are quarantined at home. Social distancing and isolation is taking a toll. How can church leaders help combat loneliness among their flocks, families and even themselves? Read more

Annual Conference 2020 will be October 13-14
The 2020 Eastern PA Annual Conference will happen October 13-14, a Tuesday and Wednesday, at the Greater Philadelphia Expo Center in Oaks. Originally scheduled for June 18-20, the session was postponed…