In 2018, the Urban Commission began funding Urban Alliances and Initiatives with grant funds from connectional ministries. In 2019, applications were accepted in May and November, and this pattern was expected to continue in 2020.
The Commission voted, in March of 2020 to not offer a spring round of grants – rather we released $30,000 to the extended cabinet to be used for supporting congregations who are struggling to during the pandemic. It was unanimously decided that support for struggling congregations to keep their pastors in appointment and continue operations was more a priority than funding new ministry. The Superintendents and cabinet will use these funds to address the greatest need within nine designated urban areas.
The commission continues to support current Initiatives and Alliances in their ongoing ministry. A decision about the November request for applications will be made in the fall.
The Urban Commission is also supporting the Coronavirus Assistance Program with a grant of $5000 from the Urban Ministry Fund.