More people each week are asking to join and participate in the new Eastern PA Conference Laity Facebook page. Why not join them and help grow our Facebook Community?
Young elder numbers near historic low
Unfortunately, the declining number of ordained elders in the UMC includes a continuing decline in young adult elders, who comprise just 7%… Learn more…
Full UMC communion with Episcopalians delayed
Citing the pandemic’s ongoing threat, United Methodists and Episcopalians have… Learn more…
Our summer issue of NEWSpirit newspaper is now online!
Read our online summer issue of NEWSpirit newspaper, and enjoy 12 pages of news, in-depth stories…
Lebo to head revamped Local Pastor School
2021 school to be offered on Zoom with flexible curriculum The Rev. Dan Lebo, senior pastor of Gravel Hill UMC in Palmyra, is the new Dean of the Eastern PA Conference’s Local Pastor Licensing School, as of September 1. He …
Ministering with families in the ongoing pandemic
Children, youth and families are challenged by social upheaval and distance from their physical church. Here are practical suggestions for how congregations can meet their material, spiritual, and emotional needs. Learn more…
Deaf ministries navigate COVID-19 challenges
The COVID-19 pandemic has meant challenges and opportunities for many religious groups, including United Methodists engaged in Deaf ministries. Several Eastern PA leaders and churches are featured in a new article. Learn more…
Pastors with a badge advance police reforms
The Rev. Jeremy Wicks has served as a police chaplain, a reserve police officer and a Black Lives Matter organizer. He sees no contradiction in any of these roles. “In my heart, I honestly believe…
Reactions to three triumphs for Native American rights, respect
Leaders of the Eastern PA Conference Committee on Native American Ministries (CONAM) commented on three recent historic actions favorable to Native American justice concerns…
Orientation to Ministry, Sept. 12
There are various ways one can enter into professional ministry in the UMC. Attend this orientation Sept. 12 to learn the process of answering God’s call. Presenter: Michael Roberts. Learn more and Register.