More people each week are asking to join and participate in the new Eastern PA Conference Laity Facebook page. Why not join them and help grow our Facebook Community?
The new social media page is an informal communication resource for laity of our conference that is intended to inform, encourage and engage participants. It may include some occasional notices of relevant conference events, concerns and activities. But its primary purpose is to generate informal, widely-shared correspondence and connection among laity across our region.
That includes all full or associate/affiliate members of UM churches. It especially includes all laity serving as Lay Leaders, Christ Servant Ministers, Certified Lay Ministers, and in other leadership roles.
“This is not a place for debate, nor for preaching, devotionals, teaching videos, etc.,” said Conference Lay Leader David Koch, who manages the page. Most initial posts offered thanks for the page’s creation. But recent posts have focused on activities around the conference, including the installation services of our new District Superintendents, the Revs. Evelyn Kent-Clarke and Andrew Foster, ministry and mission activities, and some re-openings of churches and pre-school programs.
So far, over 200 people have joined, and more requests are coming each week. Laity need only go to the page, ask to join, and acceptance will be granted.
“We hope you will join us and tell others about us,” said Koch. If you have any difficulty finding the page or being admitted, notify him at conflayleader@epaumc.org.
The Conference has two other private, subsidiary group pages it helped start:
- Philadelphia BMCR (Black Methodists for Church Renewal)
- Conference Committee on Youth Ministry
And at least two other groups have private Facebook pages not directly related to the Conference: Eastern PA United Methodist Disaster Response Ministry and EPAUMC Pastors.